Amphetamine-like herbs
An amphetamine-like herb called ephedra or ma huang, for example, has been touted as an energy booster and weight-loss aid. However, it can also cause dangerous increases.
Herb Research Foundation: Herbal StimulantsDymatize Nutrition: Bio-Vert: Flora: Nature's Way: Source Naturals: MyChelle: MRM: Ecover: Gaia Herbs: New Chapter: Thorne Research: Reviva Labs: Optimum Nutrition: Method We are not talking about marijuana being legal, but those herbal smoke blends bought in herb shops. Yes, selling these legal herbs is legal in some countries including.
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"Drugs- One-way Ticket to Paradise", drugs - amphetamines For instance, Ritalin (an amphetamine-like drug) has been known to make children highly. Siberain ginseng - This herb naturally stimulates the brain and increases.
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Damiana: Secret Ingredient of Herbal Smoke Blends | Health Testing.Natural Amphetamines. More than 5000 years ago in China the properties of the herb “huang” were well known. Today this herb is more familiar as. Stimulants: Based on secondary sources, use of Reishi and amphetamine-like herbs or supplements may result in an antagonistic effect. Thyroid agents: Based on secondary. Losing weight with appetite suppressing drugs, herbs and macronutrients. In other words, the manufacturers found a way to give consumers amphetamine-like diet. Paradise Herbs: Derma E: St. Dalfour: Nurture: Eclectic Institute: Natural Factors: Planetary Herbals: Desert Essence: Sports Brands: Healthy Home Brands: Enzymatic Therapy Ephedra herb capsule* 500 mg : 2-15 mg total ephedrine alkaloids: Ephedra herb tea : 1 cup (2g dry herb) 10-50 mg total ephedrine alkaloids: Over the Counter Asthma Tablets
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Homeopathy: An Epidemic of ADD or a Matter of Overdiagnosis? Does.
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Ephedra: Herbal Wonder or Worry? | Supplements content from New.